Meet Joe DiBello, The Body Architect™
I founded LIFEFIT™ over twenty-five years ago, and have been dedicated to helping people build better bodies and lives.
My unique methods of focusing on biomechanics utilizes the innate strength within each person’s complete bio structure. With over 50,000 hours mentoring and teaching my proprietary national program, I have a lifetime of results and success with my clients.
Doctorate level training and education in Naturopathic Health compliments my various certifications in fitness, health, nutrition and naturopathic methods. I am currently studying at MIT in biology, physics, and architecture. My unique background and training has forged LIFEFIT™ to become a leader in Bio Mechanical Body Reconditioning and Rehabilitation while using, the concepts seen below as Fitness at the Speed of Life™:
- Kinesiology (kinetics + physiology)
- Locomotion & Gait analysis
- Musculoskeletal & orthopedic biomechanics
- Cardiovascular biomechanics
- Human factors engineering & occupational biomechanics
- Implant (medicine), Orthotics & Prosthesis Rehabilitation
- Sports biomechanics
- Ergonomics
- Sport-specific Training
- Injury biomechanics
Learn how to craft and use your body the way nature intended with balance, ease and for longevity. CONTACT JOE and get started on YOUR body evolution today!