Easy Ways to Become a Happier Person in 2022

Welcome to 2022, and although everyone is busy making their “dieting’ or exercise resolutions, I challenge you to resolve to do the one thing:

Anyone who has tried to diet or get back in shape knows the challenge of starting, maintaining, and ultimately succeeded or failing.  It’s not just about resolutions, it’s about your commitment to change your mental and physical lifestyle for the goal of happiness.  Fitness is not just about what the scale says but your overall mental and physical well being. Let’s start with the some foundational suggestions to help get your 2018 journey off to a balanced and healthier  and happier start.

In this great article on how to become happier in 2022, exercise  leads as the top suggestion to facilitate your journey to be a happier person.

To become happier and healthier requires action but not more money.

2022 is a new year and an opportunity for you to hit restart. Even though there is no fundamental difference between making a change on December 31st compared to January 1st, it can be helpful to use a specific moment (like a new year) to catalyze these transitions. That being said, a large percentage of people do not stick with their new year’s resolutions. There are a variety of reasons for this, but, at the core, it is because they are not sustainable.

Part of it is a matter of finding what you can get behind consistently. That means you can either think really hard about it, or you can try many different things and see what sticks. Here are 18 things you can do to be happier in 2022. Even adding a few to your life can have a drastic impact on a better new year.

Ways to Become a Happier Person in 2022

Your overall health is impacted by so many factors. Did you know that healthy food can make you happier?  Your diet should be adjusted for your age as well. The foods we ate at 20 are not always the healthiest choices at 40 or 50.

Have a Happy Diet

This may come as no surprise, but what you eat does influence your mood. Research published in PLOS Online earlier this year argued that eating a fruit- and veggie-happy diet may improve mental health within 2 weeks.

The study authors found that adding more servings of fruits and vegetables to our usual intake could make us feel more motivated and boost our energy levels.

A systematic review of multiple studies that investigated the link between diet and mental health concluded that a Mediterranean-style diet consisting mainly of fruit, vegetables, fish, and whole grains could prevent depression.

However, a study published only this month argues that what we should eat to make us happy will largely depend on how old we are.

Thus, young adults (aged 18 to 29) will benefit from eating more white and red meat, while adults aged 30 and over should eat more fruit and veg if they’re looking for a mood boost.

Also, there’s no need to cut down on hot chocolate after the holiday season; researchers confirmed that cocoa can work miracles for your psychological well-being, mood, and potentially even cognitive abilities, too.

Read More: https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/320480.php

Make Time for Free Time.

Free up time on what’s important to you. Focus on the things that make you and loved ones happier. Don’t try to do it all yourself at the detriment of your health or happiness.

According to studies from across the globe, researchers note that in countries where personal income is on the rise, free time has become something of a luxury. Lack of free time is reportedly responsible for a decreased sense of well-being, susceptibility to anxiety, and insomnia.

Read More: https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/318679.php?iacp


Happiness is contagious. The more you give the more you get. A happy person is more likely to be active and subsequently healthier mentally and physically.

Researchers have found a connection between happiness and the performance of selfless acts. Giving to others, they say, activates an area of the brain linked with contentment and the reward cycle. There is also a strong link between performing generous acts and personal happiness.

It has long been acknowledged that acts of generosity raise levels of happiness and emotional well-being, giving charitable people a pleasant feeling known, in behavioral economics, as a “warm glow.” But so far, no studies have investigated the mechanics behind the correlation between altruism and happiness.

Read More:  https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/318406.php?iacp

Exercise more frequently.

You hear it all of the time, but exercise makes you feel better. The release of endorphins and energy that come with working out are extremely valuable. In order for this to be effective, though, you have to be consistent. That means finding what you need in order to really go to the gym, go for runs or workout from home multiple times a week.

Many people struggle with anxiety and depression. The pressure to feel happy or happier is often overwhelming. Medical research has show that exercise has a positive impact on depression.

Depression and anxiety: Exercise eases symptoms.

Depression and anxiety symptoms often improve with exercise. Here are some realistic tips to help you get started and stay motivated.  When you have depression or anxiety, exercise often seems like the last thing you want to do. But once you get motivated, exercise can make a big difference.

Exercise helps prevent and improve a number of health problems, including high blood pressure, diabetes and arthritis. Research on depression, anxiety and exercise shows that the psychological and physical benefits of exercise can also help improve mood and reduce anxiety.

The links between depression, anxiety and exercise aren’t entirely clear — but working out and other forms of physical activity can definitely ease symptoms of depression or anxiety and make you feel better. Exercise may also help keep depression and anxiety from coming back once you’re feeling better.

Read More: https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/depression/in-depth/depression-and-exercise/art-20046495

Maybe you feel you just don’t have the time for exercise?  New studies show that even short bursts of exercise will help you with physical and mental clarity.

A 10-minute, one-time burst of exercise can measurably boost your brain power, at least temporarily, researchers at Western University in London, Canada, have found.

While other studies have showed brain-health benefits after 20-minutes of a single-bout of exercise, or following commitment to a long-term (24-week) exercise program, this research suggests even 10 minutes of aerobic activity can prime the parts of the brain that help us problem-solve and focus.

“Some people can’t commit to a long-term exercise regime because of time or physical capacity,” said Kinesiology Prof. Matthew Heath, who is also a supervisor in the Graduate Program in Neuroscience and, with master’s student Ashna Samani, conducted the study. “This shows that people can cycle or walk briskly for a short duration, even once, and find immediate benefits.”

Read More: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2017/12/171221122543.htm

To read the other items on the list please click here:  https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/306733

joe dibello

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